(Bordeaux, FR // Born Bad, Castle Face Records)
Spirited and blazing, rough and bitter, wrapped up by the sun that disappears behind a column in the sky, cut with a stone, half opened by his isosceles look. In the disorganised folklore, a dehumanised dance, the heating of the riff riding the coldness of the beat. An orchestrated blackout that defies the limits of your heart that beats ten times too fast. Eyes park is a triangular vision of which was,is and will be our past future. A crossing face after face, worse and worse, without losing the story line of his life, without knowing or understanding the erratic impaction ever. Eyes park, that sways like an untroubled and wild cat, that comes back like a bottle thrown in the sea. Sink or swim.
14th July they released an album on Castle Face Records and John Dwyer is talking about them : « The couple that slays together, stays together : Looch Vibrato and Aggy Sonora, like the moniker of an infamous killing duo, the fucking butchest band from Bordeaux. Looch, with hands like bunches of bananas and songs like flaming arrows. The lovely and tough-as-hell Aggy, crushing the kit. Heavy weird attackers from our sister country. Sludge drips—murder the guitar, usurp the amp, fry the mic, howl like beasts, melt the crowd: Magnetix. We were lucky enough to grab them on one of their rare U.S. shows, recorded in a basement in San Francisco. Here it is in all its gory glory. Let’s go tripping… »